Saturday, September 14, 2013

A Bitter Sweet Day

Have you ever had one of those days where you wished that you were two places at once? This seems to be an everyday struggle for me! It's either run here, go there. WAIT! You forgot about this. My mind is constantly on shuffle. I wish that I was able to clone myself, just to relieve some of the stress.

Yesterday the Albertus Magnus Women’s Tennis team had an away match against Mitchell College. The bus was to leave at 1:30, and as we all know tennis matches can go on for a lifetime, so there was not definite time as to when we would be back. Now, form 5-9pm, New haven was hosting their semi-annual College Night on Broadway. This event includes free ice cream, music, palm readings, henna tattoos, half off gear from local stores, and so much more. I desperately wanted to go!

So, there I was, faced with another dilemma. Either I go with my team, play my heart out, and support the other players or enjoy all the benefits of having a social life, and go hang out downtown. Now of course I made the right decision in sticking by my team where we reaped the benefit of gaining the first win of the season, but I would have loved to just hang out with some friends and have a good time.

Do you ever have instances where events on your schedule overlap? Do you have any tricks for managing a busy schedule? I know we can all use all the help we can get! So please feel free to share your tips. Maybe we can all help one another.


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